Greetings to all who have stopped by to visit my portfolio blog. Most of you checking out my blog don't know me. So, I will take a moment or two to introduce myself and leave contact information; just in case your interested in helping further my career as a upcoming photographer.
My name is Mr. Derek. I'm 30 years old and orginally from Texas. I'm not a mom's boy, so, i just uprooted myself and moved to DC for no major reasons. My first love is teaching. I have been teaching for eight years now and have been teaching in DC for four years. About two years ago, is when I began to realized that I liked shooting, or videoing people. It wasn't until recently when I noticed that I had a little gift.
In the blogs to come you will see me mature as an artist and a person. I will be posting pictures i've taken and enjoy greatly. The pictures could be of friends, students, co-workers or complete strangers. I know ...but mama said dont speak to strangers! Haha! (wink). Along with the pictures, there will be a short explaination of what happened or how did the pictures came about.
The pictures that I will post for the first time will be general photos I enjoy. I've either taken them recently or have taken them in the past year or so. I love comments and can only get better with your help. I appreciate you and your comments.
If you need to contact me, you may at n_sightphotography@yahoo.com.
Again, Thank you and I hope you enjoy the blogs.
Mr. Derek
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