Okay, I have some cool friends and I would never think that I would find kids that were just as cool. While, I have. I work in a building filled with cool kids. This shoot is of a co-worker's son who goes to the school I teach in. It was our last day of school and we were all just chillin' outside before going in to end the school year. Let me know what you think.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Coolest and Cutiest Kid
Okay, I have some cool friends and I would never think that I would find kids that were just as cool. While, I have. I work in a building filled with cool kids. This shoot is of a co-worker's son who goes to the school I teach in. It was our last day of school and we were all just chillin' outside before going in to end the school year. Let me know what you think.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hey guys! I told I would be back soon. So, at the school I teach, we have many accidents, cuts and bruises. Who else would take care of those types of things other then a CERITIFED FIRST AID EMPLOYEE; a NURSE. At our school, we have the BEST nurse ever- known to man! She goes way beyond what is expected of her. She will be expecting her first child soon. A few days before school was over, i took these shots of her. I think they look lovely. Let me know what you think....n_sightphotography@yahoo.com

Greetings to all who have stopped by to visit my portfolio blog. Most of you checking out my blog don't know me. So, I will take a moment or two to introduce myself and leave contact information; just in case your interested in helping further my career as a upcoming photographer.
My name is Mr. Derek. I'm 30 years old and orginally from Texas. I'm not a mom's boy, so, i just uprooted myself and moved to DC for no major reasons. My first love is teaching. I have been teaching for eight years now and have been teaching in DC for four years. About two years ago, is when I began to realized that I liked shooting, or videoing people. It wasn't until recently when I noticed that I had a little gift.
In the blogs to come you will see me mature as an artist and a person. I will be posting pictures i've taken and enjoy greatly. The pictures could be of friends, students, co-workers or complete strangers. I know ...but mama said dont speak to strangers! Haha! (wink). Along with the pictures, there will be a short explaination of what happened or how did the pictures came about.
The pictures that I will post for the first time will be general photos I enjoy. I've either taken them recently or have taken them in the past year or so. I love comments and can only get better with your help. I appreciate you and your comments.
If you need to contact me, you may at n_sightphotography@yahoo.com.
Again, Thank you and I hope you enjoy the blogs.
Mr. Derek
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